Do you have an experience where self-trust guided you in the wrong direction?

Question: Do you have an experience where self-trust guided you in the wrong direction?

So, the first thing that popped into my head is, “Does university count??”

I went to art college on a vague sense of this is what I should do... and not much else. I had a sense that this experience would push me and open me. How true that was going to be for me, I had no idea.

When I got there I crashed and burned, and had a mental breakdown.

That doesn’t mean it was the wrong path for me.

I mean, it felt like hell for a lot of it… But that doesn’t mean it was the wrong direction. It was just showing me a lot about what was good for me and not good for me.

Sometimes self-trust feels more like “I don’t know if this is the right direction for me. But I trust that it will tell me where I do need to go.”

Self trust is not always, “This is the right direction,” but more, “I trust that whatever happens, I will get what I need.”

This is not to say that everything happens for a reason or we should be grateful for every shitty thing that happens to us.

But I do believe in every experience there is a gift. And to clarify, when I say “I trust that whatever happens, I will get what I need,” I don’t mean “I will get all my needs met.” I mean, “I will get what I need to know, as the person I am now.” I can’t ask any more of myself than to be the person I am now.

So, in short, I am having a very hard time coming up with an experience where self trust guided me in the ‘wrong direction’.

Because the way I see it, even if the choice didn’t work out (the way I wanted it to), I don’t feel like I’ve lost. I don’t feel like I’ve headed in the wrong direction — it’s all part of telling me where to go.


"How do I know what to focus on?"


“I'm afraid of being boring and not useful.”