“I'm afraid of being boring and not useful.”

So create and see what happens

I’ve been feeling constrained recently. Maybe I don’t know who I’m writing to. Maybe I just desire connection. Maybe it’s too hard to narrow down one way you must communicate with people.

Maybe I’m afraid of how I come across. Maybe I’m afraid of alienating people. Maybe I’m afraid of being boring.

Maybe I just want to write and see what happens but I’m afraid that’s not useful.

Okay, so write.

Write and see what happens.

Write in a way that makes sense to you — or doesn’t make sense to you. Either way, it doesn’t really matter nearly as much as you getting the information you need. On what does matter to you. On what you do want to do.

You will probably need to try a lot of different ways. You will probably need to spend time trying out things to see if they work for you or not.

That doesn’t mean anything is worse than any other. That doesn’t mean that anything here is a waste of time.

You don’t want to be boring. But, sadly, that’s not up to you.

What I would suggest is that if you don’t want to be boring, then don’t be bored by your own work. Do the work you want to do — and you will be interested. If you are interested, that will come across in your work.

Not everyone will like it; not everyone will think it interesting.

But you will be interested (and interesting), and that’s how you will connect with other people.

Maybe it will be useful to people. Maybe it won’t.

You don’t know until you create. You don’t know even after you create. Most people won’t tell you.

What is useful?

Sometimes useful is just telling the truth as you see it on that day. And allowing someone else to see their truth matters on that day too.


Do you have an experience where self-trust guided you in the wrong direction?