You’re a deep-thinking, deep-feeling human being, and I know you have creative gifts to share.

So, what’s holding you back?

There’s a part of you that has worked so hard to get where you are.

The creative part, that has battled and fought — that you once thought was abandoned, is now here, again. This has been a journey.

You’ve done the work and reflection. You’ve done the journalling and morning pages exercises. You’ve done the work to understand yourself and to know you want more.

And yet, something keeps holding you back.

It’s not that you don’t want to create — because you really do. However, sometimes it feels like you’re flailing at it, like you’re 'not trying hard enough.'

You wonder what’s happening, what’s going on. You try journalling exercises, you try workbooks. You try really hard to understand your 'Why.'

…and yet, it still doesn’t seem to work.

You know you’re procrastinating. You know it’s 'your mindset.' You know something needs to change.

But it’s hard when you don’t know how you’re supposed to change it!

Here’s the thing: You’re not broken. You’re not 'doing it wrong.'

You’re just stuck in a loop. You’re currently in a cycle of thinking and behaviour. And it’s hard to get out of. (This is how our brains work — we find it hard to create new 'identities' or realities for ourselves, even though we really want to.)

Strategising and journalling and mood boards will get you so far. And then, they won’t.

Because your thinking has to change — and not only that, how you relate to yourself has to change too.

That sounds pretty scary, right? Kind of undoable? Where do we even start?

And that’s the issue we run into when we try and change our own brain. It’s really hard, because it kind of doesn’t want to. (Our brains often don’t like the unfamiliar; especially when it involves complete and utter identity change! — Though spoiler: you don’t have to undergo an identity change; it just thinks that’s what needs to happen.)

And so, it uses pretty little ‘self-sabotage’ techniques like procrastination, perfectionism, or inner criticism to keep you in a place you’re familiar with.

It’s not great, but it’s the status quo.

So, how do we change all that? What do we do when we know we want a creative life deep down, and we’re not doing it? (And what if we suspect that even deeper down, we might not even be cut out for a creative life??)

The answer is a deep and fundamental change in how you relate to yourself. A deep understanding of yourself, not just in an analytical or reflective way, but in a way you might not have experienced before.

I’m talking about the kind of understanding — and self-wisdomthat allows you to make decisions, not be controlled by your self-doubt, and flourish in a way you never thought possible.

Right now, you’re relying on strategising and journalling and maybe willpower to try and get you to commit to creating. Sometimes this works, often it doesn’t. And you’re frustrated with the cycle.

Let’s change that.

Let’s find an easier way for you. Let’s drop the battling and fighting with yourself to do things, and let’s find a kinder, deeper, far more effective way to get you out of stuckness and into creating a life that feels truly fulfilling.

This is not about changing 'your mindset.' (Although we will do that.) The key to change is how you relate to yourself and your thoughts on a fundamental level.

Let’s do that, shall we? :)

If you want to…

  • Stop the mind drama and stop battling yourself

  • Learn how to speak to yourself way more kindly, but also effectively (so you actually do the work you’re dreaming of)

  • Learn how to trust yourself (even when it’s haarrrd)

  • Learn how to feel more connected, more grounded, and more self-assured in your creative life and work

  • Watch yourself make progressand amaze yourself at how far you’ve come

  • Do the actual work! And in a way that feels natural and even fun!

  • Feel your inner criticisms melt away

Here’s how we do that:

Over 6-8 months we’ll work together to shift the current patterns you are stuck in. We will work on your current patterns of thinking, triggers, behaviour, and self-doubt, and we will create a more supportive dialogue with the voices inside your head.

You’ll learn the foundations of how to have a new relationship with the thoughts in your head (including inner critics), so that your mind is working with you, rather than against you.

You will learn:

  • How to think differently about your self-doubt so that it’s no longer a struggle or battle.

  • How to get out of ‘analysis mode’ and into a place that feels more relaxed, creative, and resourceful. (Hint: where a lot of your best ideas come from!)

  • How to be compassionate with yourself. Like, just not when it feels good, but when you most need it.

  • How to move forward when you 'don’t know.' (Without forcing it.)

  • How to stop judging and criticising yourself. (Which will feel like a massive weight off your heart.)

  • How to feel deeply rooted and trusting in who you are — which will help you with making decisions, taking action, and being consistent.

This work is personally tailored and specific to you. You will be given tools and practices; but most of all, you will be listened to. Together we will discover and reveal the ways that support you best in creating a new relationship with yourself and helping you live a life that is creative and flourishing.

“My inner world has expanded exponentially.”

“I feel more empowered to work towards the big goals and dreams I have for an abundant creative life. I have the support, the tools, and a greater understanding of my own habits, thought patterns and trip wires, and how to attend to them with kindness and resilience. I am learning how to embody the curiosity, compassion and connection that are my core values, and release the bodily constraints of decades of harsh criticism and loathing. This work has been more expansive than I could have imagined.

Curious to know more?

What you get:

  • 20 x 1:1 coaching sessions over 6-9 months (with breaks for holidays.)

  • Tools and resources to help you stop the mind drama, get unstuck, and make progress towards the creative life you are dreaming of.

  • Ways to understand and manage your inner critic and self-doubt far more effectively (and with more compassion).

  • All calls recorded and uploaded to a private client page. (So you can go over sessions if you want to, and integrate your learning with the tools/resources we cover.)

  • Support from someone who very much 'gets it' and has been there. Someone who is cheering you on, but not in a 'high energy way' ;)

  • Access to an inner voice that guides you towards the 'more' you desire.

Your investment: £1,350

(This can be spread over monthly payments = e.g. 6 payments of £225)

For my international friends, this is roughly equivalent to $1,705 USD, €1,590 or $2,555 AUD

Ready to get unstuck and start creating more?

If you have any questions, get in touch using the form below or you can send me an email at

Jodi Trudeau

“Back when we started working together, I felt really stuck. I had a totally different outlook, feeling, stories I was telling myself… everything.

Now, even though I know there will be times when I still doubt myself, I know what to do. Now, I know that’s it’s just a story it’s not the story.

I feel so much freer. I feel a sense of lightness and ease that just wasn’t there before. There has been such a huge shift in how I think about going forward.

Who is this for?

This is for creatives and creative individuals (anyone who thinks creatively), who experience inner conflict or a voice in your head that makes you doubt yourself a lot.

This is not for people who are going through a mental health crisis or are suffering from severe anxiety and/or depression.

Other questions you may have...

Is there a set curriculum? Will I have to do worksheets?

In a word, no. This is one-to-one coaching; and I’m going to be honest, I’m not a worksheets person!

We will discuss tools and concepts that are relevant to you and what you are currently experiencing. This isn’t a ‘one size fits all.’ What works for one person may not resonate with someone else. And we’re all on our own timelines here.

What about ‘homework’?

You will be asked to reflect on and put into practice what we learn during our sessions. The idea is that we incorporate what you are learning into your everyday life! So you’re going to need to practise!

But I ain’t marking your homework! ;)

Am I suitable for this programme?

If you're not sure if you're suitable, you can always get in touch and we can talk about it. 

If you're deep in the middle of therapy or a mental health challenge, this is probably not the programme for you right now. This is more for people who feel they have a 'good handle' on their mental health in general, but are dealing with an inner critic (or voice of self-doubt) that pops up frequently to offer them unsolicited advice and generally just brings a downer to everything!

If you're not sure where you sit in that spectrum, please get in touch anyway. I have been in both camps, and what I'd say from personal experience is that therapy is great for getting you on an even keel and 'back to normal.'

This (programme and coaching in general) is to create a different version of your future.

How do you accommodate neurodiversity and different learning styles? 

So, what I will say is that I have no professional training in neurodiversity.

What I will also say is that a good proportion of my clients identify as neurodivergent. (Which is not surprising, given I work with creative people.) I have worked with people who are autistic, have ADHD, are dyslexic, and I will do my best to accommodate any needs you have or learning styles. If you have a specific question, please ask :)

Can you do my time zone?

I work with clients all over the world. Asia, Australia, the US, Europe, and the UK (where I'm based). So I'm fairly confident we can find a time that fits, although some time slots (e.g. Australia, western US) may be more limited.

What results can I expect?

Ultimately, this is to change the relationship you have with yourself. I can’t tell you what that change is going to be, or how you will experience it. But what I do know is that it will unlock new ways of seeing and experiencing yourself and your world. If you want to try something new, you’re in the right place.

It can feel a bit scary to invest in something that doesn’t offer a 'tangible' or predictable result. But this work is designed to give you the foundations to help you creating lasting and sustainable change. (It’s also why we do a consultation beforehand, to make sure you’re ready and it’s a good fit.)

As a reminder…

Here’s what you get:

  • 20 weekly 1:1 coaching sessions over 6-9 months

  • Tools and resources to help you understand and manage your inner critic and self-doubt far more effectively (and with more compassion).

  • All calls recorded and uploaded to a private client page.

  • Support from someone who has very much been there and practises these tools and habits regularly.

  • An inner voice that guides you towards the 'more' you are seeking. Whether that’s more freedom, creativity, peace, resilience, or connection in your life and work.

Your investment: £1,350

Monthly payment plan options = e.g. 6 payments of £225 (or 9 payments of £150)

(Roughly the equivalent of $1,705 USD, €1,590 or $2,555 AUD)

Or get in touch via email:

Sovannady Chea

“The most important thing that happened is that I learned to trust myself.

I was very self-critical and had a lot of internal conflict. 

Now I have a loving relationship with myself. I can listen to myself and feel connected.

{Working together} has shifted my mind and nervous system, I can regulate much better.

How I relate to myself has changed completely.

This is the first time in my life, in the city, in the past 8 years, that I finally felt at home.

Everything feels really different. Even the food tastes different. 

I can do more, and I can do things I’m scared of. Even though I’m scared, I can still do it. That’s the difference.

Now I wear pink! Wearing colour wasn’t ‘me’ before. But now my life is more colourful.”

If you’ve read this far…

What do you need to know in order to make a decision?

If it’s more information… message me here. And let’s get you the information :)

Or if it’s because the voices in your head say, ‘that won’t work,’ ‘who are you to try?’ hey, that’s normal. That’s probably(?) why you’re here. I can’t make any guarantees that this will help you. But I can promise to help you find out.

Let’s have a chat — schedule yours here.