You’re a creative person who wants to make a change.

Here’s how I can help:

Coaching for creative business owners and creatively-minded individuals.

I work with a range of creative individuals: from small creative business owners, to 'recovering creatives,' to people who have a business or creative dream. Scroll down to see how I could help you. 👇

You’re in the early stages of building a creative business and want help with figuring it all out!

You feel like you’re just getting started, and my goodness it is tough! You feel like there’s so much to do, so much to learn, and how on earth are you supposed to know what to focus on? There’s always the nagging doubt that you’re not doing it right — or whether you’re doing the right things, and it’s so easy to get lost in a minefield of questions and self-doubt.

You know you could try work it all out yourself, but this is going to cost you so much time (and potential heartache). It’s not that working with a coach will remove every decision you need to make, but learning how to make decisions — in a way that aligns with your values and the business you’re creating — will save you a whole load of stress and time-wasting that a lot of new business owners find themselves in.

You can’t know every decision is going to work out right beforehand. But you can give yourself the tools to stop spinning in self-doubt, make decisions, and take action. (Oh, and be much nicer and kinder to yourself as you do it!)

If you want to avoid some of the many rabbit holes that can keep us distracted (and in comparison and self-doubt), and you want some cracking tools to help you deal with the practicalities and mindset of running a business, get in touch or find out more below.

You’ve been running a creative business (or been self-employed) for a few years now, but are struggling with certain aspects or recognise you need a change.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are and you’re amazingly talented at what you do, even if you don’t always believe it. However, you’re struggling with certain aspects of running a business or being self-employed, such as getting everything done, figuring out what to work on, finishing projects, marketing activities, promoting yourself, charging, etc.

You recognise you’re often 'getting in your own way' — perhaps you’re scared to make decisions or you second guess yourself frequently. Perhaps you wish you had more confidence! (And maybe a bit less stress?)

You want a way out of the patterns you’re stuck in and into a business that feels more stable, more solid, and more you. You want a way to be in your business that feels good. You know you’re capable of more — whether it’s money, work that excites you, or time to do what you love — and you’re ready to create new, supportive practices that help you create more in your business.

You might describe yourself as a 'recovering creative' — and dream of living a more creative, fulfilling life, even if you don’t always know what that looks like.

You have done the work of recovering your creative self and you’re ready to move on! However, something keeps getting in the way… Mainly your self-doubt? Perfectionism, procrastination, or plain old fear is getting in the way, and you know your 'mindset' needs to change… But how do you actually do that?

Let’s give you 'self-wisdom' — so you can create this life you’re dreaming of. Together we will work on all the things that are holding you back, so you can make progress in a way that feels consistent and congruent with who you are.

Your creative dream can be specific or intangible; what matters is that you feel called by ‘something’ to create. You’ve probably been thinking about this for a while now, and want support in taking action, keeping on track, and not giving up when the mind gremlins get activated and tell you to quietly abandon your dreams.

You have a creative goal you want to work towards that’s not necessarily about running a business.

Perhaps you’re a writer who wants to embark on a new project. Perhaps you’re a coach who doesn’t need more clients right now, but wants to work specifically on finding your voice and sharing it with others.

Whatever you’re working on, you probably feel stuck and are finding it hard to create the momentum you’d like to see.

While most of my clients tend to fall into the first few categories, we can definitely work together if you’re looking for support on a specific creative project or new direction. Just get in touch to book a call and we can discuss.

You don’t have any particular creative goal you want to work towards. However, you’ve seen my stuff — my approach, and how I speak, and something just resonates.

You might not even describe yourself as creative! However, you’ve probably come across my work or read my thoughts, and find yourself nodding along and intrigued by how you might also be able to change your brain.

Normally my clients have a goal they’d like to work towards, even if it’s not especially 'creative.' It might be feeling like you want to explore a career change, or decide what to do next in your life. It might be that you want to feel more peace and ease in yourself.

You know that traditional therapy isn’t necessarily what you want or need right now (or maybe you currently do, but also want to explore a specific issue with a coach), and you know that part of what you require is a way to explore your relationship with yourself in a way that is different to how you’ve done in the past. If so, let’s see if we’re a good fit and how I may be of help.

If you feel you don’t fit into any of these categories but are still interested in working together, please get in touch and we can arrange a call.

Whoever I work with, the philosophy is the same.

When I ask my clients what their biggest obstacles are, they usually say it’s mindset. Self-doubt, procrastination, overthinking, lack of clarity, or lack of confidence.

Here’s what I think about 'mindset.'

Your mind can be changed. Your thinking can be changed. Your behaviour can change.

And you can do it all. (Because, if you’ve gotten this far in life, you’ve done it before.)

When we try to tackle our mindset or procrastination, we often try strategies like time blocking or using an accountability partner, or we maybe try to add more positivity into our lives(such as gratitude journalling). All these things can be helpful, but sometimes they’re not enough to 'motivate' us to keep taking action — especially when it feels lonely and like we’ll 'never make it.'

That’s why I coach on how to think about your thoughts specifically. Because it’s your thoughts — and your current responses to them — that are keeping you stuck.

Procrastination, overthinking and perfectionism are all symptoms of fear. We’re afraid something might happen, so we keep ourselves in a mechanism where we don’t have to face those uncomfortable feelings.

However, what if we could avoid those feelings completely by changing the thoughts we have about a task or situation?

Now, I’m not saying I can teach you never to feel fear again (that wouldn’t be clever!), but through coaching, you can learn to:

1) Identify the current thoughts (or thinking patterns) that are keeping you stuck and doing a behaviour you don’t want (e.g. procrastination).

2) Relate differently to those thoughts — on a fundamental level — so that you don’t have to 'believe them so hard.'

3) Lessen the 'grip' of those thoughts and negative beliefs. (To the point that sometimes it feels like they’ve dissolved and you can’t even remember you once had a harsh inner critic!)

4) Create and cultivate new, empowering beliefs that feel completely authentic and believable to you. (That don’t just come from a 'head space' but from a truly deep and creative space within you.)

5) So you can start taking action consistently, make decisions, and think about yourself in a way that brings so much more peace, ease, and fun to your life.

Don’t believe me?

Get in touch.

This work is not about giving you answers on how to run your business, create your life, or telling you what to do. This work means you will always be able to find the answers inside yourself.

We coach over 6 to 9 months. The philosophy is the same but we develop tools and practices that are specific to you (because not everyone’s minds work the same) so you can come away with skills and concepts that you will use for the rest of your life.

My price is £1,350 for the 6-9 months, and this can be split over monthly payments. I usually recommend coaching weekly, with some breaks in between. There are some exceptions, so if you have specific circumstances you’d like to discuss, please do get in touch.

If you’re ready, book your call here.